University Distinction for Year 12 Mt Maria College Petrie Student

​After a visit by University of the Sunshine Coast UniSC students spruiking Headstart programs, Mt Maria College Petrie student Adam Weldon was inspired to tackle university-level learning in Applied Mathematics while in his final year at high school.

The result? A distinction and a credit towards a UniSC degree.

Less than a 10-minute walk from his Mt Maria College Petrie high school classroom, Adam attended seminars and tutorial sessions on site at the UniSC Moreton Bay Petrie campus on Friday mornings. He completed the program over 13 weeks alongside first year university students, followed by a two-week exam period.

Adam said he knew he could achieve a distinction and was pleased with the result. He shared that he enjoyed attending the course as it was a contrast to school life.

“I enjoyed the environment as a contrast to school, as it was more relaxed and self-directed, with people from all walks of life there," the Year 12 student said.

Mt Maria College Petrie Leader of Learning Ms Sally Carr said Adam worked hard and is committed to high achievement in his studies overall.

"Adam continues to demonstrate independence, perseverance and excellence as he strives to achieve great outcomes in his studies this year."

Further Ms Carr said she was looking forward to what comes next on Adam's future pathway.

After graduating high school, Adam shared he aims to study engineering or mathematics and wants to work in the aviation industry.

Adam's advice for other students looking to complete a Headstart program at UniSC is that the course was worth doing 'as it gives a good indicator for what university will be like'.

Mt Maria College Petrie Principal Mr Wayne Chapman said: “Supporting students in academic achievement is our core business, as is ensuring they are developing as well-rounded individuals who are prepared for their future, no matter which pathway they pursue."

“As a college community we congratulate Adam on his achievement, he's a fantastic role model and inspiration for all our students," Mr Chapman said.

​Principal Mt Maria College Petrie Mr Wayne Chapman with Year 12 student Adam Weldon

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Mt Maria College (2023)