
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Mt Maria College Petrie.

Mt Maria College Petrie is committed to the provision of high-quality, inclusive and affordable Catholic education.​​

​​Enrolment Applications now open for:

​Grade and Year of Enrolment​
Current Enrolment Status
Year 8-11 2024 

Waitlist; applications considered
Year 7 2025 and 2026
​Applications open
Year 10 and 11 2025
​Limited places in senior pathways for University and Vocational Education & Training (VET) 

Enrolment decisions are made by the Principal, taking into account the needs of each student and in accordance with our Mt Maria College Petrie Enrolment Policy - 2024.pdf.

Please note - Enrolment priority is given to siblings of current MMCP students and students transferring from other Catholic schools. Other enrolments ​will be considered upon current availability and the willingness of families to accept MMCP's holistic values and inclusive Catholic environment​.​

Video: Virtual Enrolment Information session (2:47mins) with Principal Kerry Maher Click here

Lodging an application:​

To lodge an application for your child, please complete the following steps:

  1. Submit an  Online Enrolment Application Form
  2. Non-refundable application fee of $110.00​ (see 'Payment' section below).
  3. Email the following documentation to:  mmcpoffice@bne.catholic.edu.au within 7 days of completing the online application. 

​Required Documentation for Enrolment Application
​Application fee (non-refundable) receipt copy​​
​Birth Certificate
​Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
​Last two school reports 
​NAPLAN report(s) (as applicable)
​Any medical or learning reports​
​​Include extra documentation if noted in Application: 
Legal Documents
​Medical Action Plan​
Student Specialist Assessments
Citizenship Documents/ Passports
N.B.  ​If applying for multiple students, after each application, an option to submit a further application will appear.  

​Submission of an application does not guarantee an interview.​

Once the application has been review​ed and approved for an interview, parents will be contacted by the Enrolments Officer to arrange a suitable time. Please note, interviews are only held at certain times throughout the year.​


Non-refundable Application Fee of $110.00​ paid he​re.

Enrolment Confirmation Payment ​​of $450.00 paid here.​​​

Contact the College on 3285 5500 if you experience any ​difficulties completing the online Application for Enrolment. ​

​​​Thank you!