
​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at  Mt Maria College Petrie.

Mt Maria College Petrie is committed to the provision of high-quality, inclusive and affordable Catholic education. 

Enrolment decisions are made by the Principal, taking into account the needs of each student and in accordance with our Mt Maria College Petrie Enrolment Policy - 2024.pdf.

​Enrolment priority for enrolments is for siblings of children already enrolled and children transferring from other Catholic schools.

Other enrolments ​will be considered depending on the availability of places and the willingness of families to accept the holistic values of the school and for their child to be educated in an inclusive Catholic environment.

Click here to view the Virtual Enrolment Information Session, presented by our Principal Kerry Maher.

​Mt Maria College Petrie is currently accepting enrolment applications for:

      • Year 8-11 2024 – Waitlist; applications considered
      • Year 7 2025 and 2026 – Applications open
      • Year 10 and 11 2025 – Limited places in senior pathways for University and Vocational Education & Training (VET) 

To lodge an application for your child, please complete the following steps:

  1. Submit an  Online Enrolment Application Form
  2. Non-refundable application fee of $110.00​ which can be paid he​re.
  3. Email the following documentation to:  mmcpoffice@bne.catholic.edu.au within 7 days of completing the online application.  
    • Birth Certificate
    • Baptismal Certificate (if baptised)
    • Last two school reports and NAPLAN report(s) (as applicable)
    • Any medical or learning reports
    • And if noted in your application:
      • Legal Documentation​
      • Medical Action Plan​
      • Student Specialist Assessments

NB  ​If applying for enrolment for more than one student, an option to submit a further application will appear after each application.  

Please contact the College on 3285 5500 if you experience any ​difficulties completing the online application for enrolment.  

Please Note: submission of an application does not guarantee an enrolment.​

Once the application has been review​ed and approved for an interview, parents will be contacted by the Enrolments Officer to arrange a suitable time. Please note: Interviews are only held at certain times throughout the year.​ An application does not guarantee an interview. 

​If you have been offered a place at Mt Maria College Petrie please ​make your enrolment confirmation payment ​​here.​​​


The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland.  The NSSTAS is a joint initiative of the Queensland Catholic Education Commission and Independent Schools Queensland. 


Bus Fare Assistance

Eligibility criteria:

  • Family spends more than $20/week* on fares to and from school (* $15/week if you hold a concession card)
  • Student attends a non-state school that is outside the Brisbane City Council boundary
  • Student lives more than 4.8km from their school (except if you are a concession card holder)?
  • Is a Queensland resident
  • Student travels on a publicly available bus

If you are eligible:

  1. Keep your public transport receipts
  2. Visit https://schooltransport.com.au and apply in May (for travel in January to June) and October (for travel in July to December)

​Students with a Disability

To qualify for Students With Disability (SWD) transport assistance under NSSTAS, the student must have a disability that necessitates transport assistance to and/or from school by motor vehicle and/or public transport.  Visit the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme website to view full details of eligibility criteria  https://schooltransport.com.au/check-your-eligibility/swd/